Mother & Baby classes
At Fisical we offer a range of classes and workshops for mums-to-be preparing for birth and for new mums to take time to practice yoga or pilates with little ones in tow.
Prenatal yoga
Pregnancy yoga can begin from your second trimester and is suitable for beginners and experienced practitioners and can continue right up to the birth of your baby.
This class can relieve aches and pains, boost circulation, strengthen the body for birth and keep you fit; whilst being sensitive to you and your baby. It’s useful preparation for the birthing experience, learning to control the breathe to facilitate greater control of the breathe during labour. Yoga also offers the opportunity to bond with your baby and connect with other pregnant women.
Please seek medical advice in advance if you have any medical conditions.
Mondays: 7.15pm - 8.15pm
Term Dates
7th January - 21st March (no class 14th Feb)
25th April, 9th May, 16th May & 23rd May (4 week term)
13th June - 18th July
Investment: £15 drop-in or £75 for the 6 week course. There will be an exception during the Paril May term of only being 4 weeks long £50 (Please note classes from a term cannot be moved over to another term, if you cannot commit to all the dates then the drop-in option will be most suited to you).
Hypnobirthing & Antenatal course
Equilibrium focuses on using The Little Birth Company hypnobirthing programme, a fresh modern approach to traditional hypnobirthing. In this life-changing education, you will learn simple, yet effective, techniques to help you remain calm, relaxed and in control throughout your pregnancy and birth. You will gain the skills and knowledge that will empower you to trust your instincts and be involved in all the decision-making throughout your labour, even if your experience deviates away from your desired preferences.
You will learn about the physiology of birth and the impact that fear/anxiety has on the body. You will become experts in deep relaxation and learn all about the power of your mind and how your emotional and hormonal influences can help or hinder the process of birth.
Your birth partner will learn the skills to be able to support you from your very first session, and they will gain confidence in knowing that birth is first and foremost a natural process. However, we do focus on achieving the right birth on the day, which sometimes includes surprises! Learning about induction of labour, caesarean birth and assisted birth is all part of being fully prepared for the day your baby takes you on your journey to parenthood or indeed expanding your family.
Hypnobirthing will provide you with a huge sense of achievement after your baby is born, and many, many parents continue to use these powerful techniques well into early parenthood and beyond.
Start these classes any time after your 20 week ultrasound scan. For a full breakdown of what you will learn during each class, please click the schedule link below.
Investment: £250 Small intimate sessions with a maximum of 4 couples.
Term Dates
Wednesday 16th & 23rd March
Friday 18th & 25th March
7pm - 9.30pm
Mother & baby Pilates
This class is specifically designed to heal and strengthen the core and pelvic floor following the birth of your gorgeous baby (or babies!!)
We will stretch and strengthen tight, tired muscles, improve breathing dynamics and work on techniques to aid rest and relaxation.
We have created a relaxing, comfortable and safe environment to bring your baby and meet other likeminded parents. We want everyone to feel welcome but most importantly please feed, change or comfort and cuddle your baby at anytime during the class.
*all dates are subject to change, term fees and all classes are non transferable. If you are working with a pelvic health physio we are happy to work alongside them to ensure you are getting exactly what you need.
Term fees and all classes are non transferable
If you are working with a pelvic health physiology we are happy to work alongside them to ensure you are getting exactly what you need.
If in doubt please consult with your GP for advice on when to resume exercise.
6 week term - Fridays: 10.45am (4th March - 8th April)
Mummy & Me yoga
Mummy & Me is a wonderful opportunity to nurture and strengthen yourself after birth and is suitable for mums with babies 6 weeks plus or when you feel your body is ready for a regular practice.
This class focuses on you by reconnecting to your body and breathe, strengthening back, abdominal and pelvic floor muscles and releasing tension in shoulders and hips. It’s a beneficial way to support your body as it rebalances while also bonding and engaging with your baby and connecting with other parents.
The class finishes with some time for relaxation and nursery rhymes.
Classes are suitable for Beginners.
If in doubt please consult with your GP for advice on when to resume practising.