Yoga . Meditation . Barre
"Yogas chitta vritti nirodha" Yoga happens when the fluctuations of the mind still.
The name Yoga comes from one of the Sanskrit translations for; 'Union' this union can be understood as combining the practice of the physical body as well as the mind with the use of our breath to allow us to move through a mediative flow, preparing our bodies to find comfort and stillness in our lying meditation 'Savasana'. Ultimately a chance to find the benefits we create to the body, mind and spirit on the mat which we can carry off into our daily lives.
Yoga is Union, Freedom, Connection, Truth and a chance for us to find our Truth as we move and breath in a way that encourages a deeper listening to what's happening within.
The main components of yoga are asanas (postures) a series of movements designed to increase strength and flexibility.
Each teacher will guide you through a practice unique to their own style. Using breathing techniques, to mantras and guided meditation.
There are many benefits of yoga which include;
Improved flexibility
Improved posture
Clearer mind
Gain energy and positivity
Class Types
Vinyasa Flow (offered online)
A dynamic practice combining breathe and movement. Releasing tension in the body and mind while developing focus, mobility, stamina and flexibility. An uninterrupted flow, finding the calm amongst the storm, the stillness in the movement and the flow in the stillness.
This is an intermediate class for those with a regular practice. Not suitable for beginners.
Gentle Flow (offered online)
A gentler practice of the Vinyasa Flow, where we will be moving through the poses more slowly with added instruction and demonstration, with an introduction of combining the breathe with the movement, with elements of restorative poses added for ultimate relaxation.
An all levels class - suitable for beginners
Basic Elements
This class is specifically designed for students wishing to learn more about the ancient practice of yoga. Each week we will work through a series of poses and breath practices, taught with alignment based teachings so that you can savour and feel each pose, learn about your body and your unique alignment within yoga. This class is for anyone who is new to yoga, recovering from injury or wishes to explore and deepen their knowledge through alignment focussed teachings.
An all levels class - perfect for beginners class
Yin & Gentle Flow (offered online)
Yin and Yang are the Taoist concepts which describe the two relative qualities present in everything. With Yin being more internal, passive, cooling and downward. Whilst yang is more external, dynamic, warming and upward.
During yin yoga we will be holding seated passive poses between 3-5 minutes at a time, with the stretches working deeply on the connective tissues and joints of the body whilst the once active muscles are relaxed.
During the Yang yoga we will be journeying through a Gentle Flow as described above.
The practice will begin and end with yin yoga leading our last yin rebound into a deeply restorative savasana.
An all levels class - suitable for beginners
Hatha Flow (offered online)
Ha – tha means sun and moon, Flow – moving in balanced union. Classical hatha postures that flow from one to another with some pauses for added instruction and teacher demonstration.
A class for all allowing you to connect with your body and breath, building up some heat whilst staying grounded.
An all levels class with intermediate options offered
Join for an hour of embodying yoga and mindful movement. Move and breathe with awareness, savouring each movement and moment on your mat.
Prepare to explore your inner landscape, reconnect to your natural rhythms and tune into your feminine landscape. This session is suitable for all women who practice yoga regularly.
An all levels class
Restorative yoga to support your sleep cycle (offered online)
An hour of blissful restorative yoga. A gentle floor based class offering a unique blend of sensory attunement, restorative yoga and guided meditation.
An all levels class - suitable for beginners